Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another Baggage Handling Shocker Video

Back in November, I posted an entry about a YouTube video that was posted by user Neil29santiago. The video clip shows two airport ground staff at Hong Kong International Airport tossing the passengers' luggage around as the bags are unloaded from a Cebu Pacific flight. That video eventually gained much attention, and now has thousands of views in over a month. 

Apparently, however, that was not the first video of Cebu Pacific passengers' luggage being mishandled. Just a few days before Neil29santiago posted his video, user erinegreen01 also posted a similar video, also taken at Hong Kong International Airport. In this other video clip, the bags are being loaded onto the aircraft, and the video clip captures how the bags are just tossed onto the conveyor belt by the ground crew at HKIA, with some of the bags not even making it inside the plane's cargo hold and just fall down several feet to the ground. In some instances, some bags fall more than once, and the ground crew member just tosses them back again and again. Watch the video clip below:

As of this posting, the other video clip has had 245,813 views, and growing. This has prompted the airline to release an official statement regarding the video clips just recently:

          "Good morning everyone! 

          We understand your concerns and questions you might have on baggage handling with regard to the "Cebu Pacific Baggage Handling" video. We would like to note that this video had been taken at the Hing Kong International Airport uploaded last year (2010) and have long since been addressed. We have vastly improved and automated all of our airport procedures including handling of passenger baggage and cargo, and have implemented much more stringent rules and handling guidelines. 
        Again, please rest assured that we will always strive to improve all aspects of your experience with each guest that flies with us. We thank you for your continued support and understanding.
       Thank you and may you have a Merry Christmas!"

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