Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Abusive College Professor Caught on Tape

I sense another "YouTube sensation" in the making.

After Christopher Lao, Robert Blair Carabuena, and the "Amalayer" girl, this foul-mouthed Personality Development professor (identified as Narciso Varona) at the Montessori Professional College in Pasay City, clad in a pink shirt and tie, could be the next one to gain notoriety. 

On January 6, YouTube user annamae macayan uploaded a video of a college professor yelling at his (mostly female) students, cursing, throwing papers around, and threatening to hit them with chairs and whatnot. Appropriately so, the video was given the title "ABUSADONG PROFESSOR, VIOLENTE AT HIGH BLOOD". The video's description also states that the professor in the video is the dean of the said school, followed by a call to spread the video to teach the man a lesson.

In the video, some of the female students were seen standing up to the professor, questioning his actions considering his position in the school. 

Whether the student was really at fault or not, this is NOT how a professor should react. What do you guys think?

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