Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Great Social Experiment for Dove's Real Beauty Campaign

Dove, a personal care brand manufactured by Unilever and sold globally, has in the past several years been known for their "Real Beauty" campaign, which aims to help women around the world become more comfortable with themselves and embrace their physical characteristics. This has resulted in the creation of heartwarming TV commercials, print ads, and viral videos (among others) which has reached millions of audiences worldwide.

On April 14, another video was uploaded on YouTube. Since it was uploaded two days ago, the video has earned over 655,000 views, and has been shared numerous times on social media. The video, which is three minutes long, shows how a sketch artist was able to show how women see themselves as opposed to how other people see them, by letting the women describe themselves to the artist and by letting other people describe the women featured. The sketches are then shown to the women to let them realize how poor their perceptions of themselves are. 

This is indeed another great inspirational campaign from Dove. Congratulations to the marketing team who came up with this brilliant idea!

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