Thursday, September 5, 2013

Not Your Typical Office Job:

Let's face it--life in Metro Manila is a BIG hassle. Residents of Metro Manila have to deal with crawling traffic every single day with build-ups that stretch up to several kilometers in the city's major thoroughfares, making the daily commute to work or school a harrowing experience. Add to that the floods that affect these streets each year when the rainy season comes along as well as the rare occasion of falling victim to street crime and this will surely be enough to make anyone go insane. Unfortunately for many residents of this bustling metropolis, this is something that must be dealt with (whether they like it or not) since work would require one to make a daily trip from home to work and back again when the day ends.

This lifestyle, of course, is not for everyone. If, for example, you live in Fairview, Quezon City and work would require you to go to Paranaque every single day, the daily commute alone would eat up so much of your time. It would also burn a hole in your pocket taking into consideration the transportation expenses or the ever-increasing cost of gasoline. There is also the matter of not having enough time to spend with one's family which of course, is very important.

Fortunately, the idea of "working from home", where one can earn money without ever having to leave the confines of one's house, has been getting more and more popular in recent years., which prides itself as the Philippines' #1 Premier Online Writing Community, gives Filipino writers who would rather stay at home a chance to earn money while also allowing them to have more time to spend with their family or pursue other hobbies or interests.

Essays. ph, which is owned and operated by Wooka Interactive (an internet marketing company that focuses on improving its Philippine or foreign clients' online visibility) has already grown so much since it was started in 2007. Currently, has over 60,000 home-based freelance writers, and the number continues to grow steadily too, given the increasing popularity of the idea of working from home.

In order to become an official writer, interested writers must first register at the website. They will then be required to submit a sample article about any of the specified topics, while following a given set of rules. Once submitted, the sample articles will then become subject to evaluation, and those who pass will become an official writer. Note that evaluation may take about a week or a month (or a little over that), depending on the number of applicants and/or the availability of the staff.

Once the applicant becomes an official writer, he or she may now choose from different topics to write about. This may seem quite simple enough but trust me, it isn't. Being an writer requires a lot of discipline, since you have to meet strict deadlines, for one. There are also specific instructions that writers have to take note of when writing an article, such as the number of words, the number of times a certain keyword must appear in an article, or even which specific parts of the article the keywords should appear in. Those with at least a basic knowledge of the concept of search engine optimization (SEO) would understand the significance of these rules. Failure to meet deadlines or not following the instructions specified would have their own corresponding penalties. 

On the other hand, this job is also quite rewarding for those who do things the way they should be done. These "rewards" don't just come in the form of cash, mind you--the discipline, lessons, and skills you'll develop as an writer would surely come in handy should you decided to pursue a different career in the future.

If you're up for the challenge, please do visit to register and become one step closer to becoming an official writer!

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