Saturday, October 15, 2011

SM Pampanga Shooting Incident Leaked Video

The video below was recently leaked online. The 2-minute, 58-second video clip shows the two teenagers involved in a shooting incident last month at SM City Pampanga, where one of them shot the other in an apparent "lover's quarrel" (both boys are homosexuals). In the video clip, both boys are seen lying on the ground--one doesn't seem to be moving while the other was still moving his legs around. Based on what I've seen, it appears that several minutes have already passed since the shooting incident occurred, judging by the  number of security guards and policemen who were already there at the scene. However, no one seems to have taken the initiative of taking of taking them to the hospital, as they both lay dying (one already actually seems to be dead).

The big question is--what were these security guards and policemen doing? What were they doing standing around for? Some of them were just walking around--walking past the two boys, even, as though they did not care at all! Was it so difficult to carry those who were wounded, load them up on a jeepney, van , tricycle, or whatever, and take them to the hospital where doctors could try and save their lives? Perhaps they were waiting for orders from the SM management to take these boys to the hospital? In cases like these, they don't need to wait for orders--they only need to use their commonsense! If they had taken immediate action, at least one of them could have survived. This is most certainly an infuriating incident, and I do hope the security agency where these guards are from not only train them at becoming experts in "inspecting" the people's bags, but also train them to use their COMMONSENSE as well.

See the video yourself:

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