Monday, November 7, 2011

How Your Luggage is Really Handled at Airports

Thinking of buying expensive designer luggage for your next trip overseas? After watching the video above, you might have to think twice first.

I recently came across this video on YouTube, filmed by a passenger (username Neil29santiago) on board a Cebu Pacific flight that had just arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport. Watch as two HKIA baggage handlers carelessly throw the luggage on the cart, as they are unloaded from the aircraft. The two baggage handlers didn't even bother to arrange them properly, and just mindlessly tossed them one on top of the other,  without any concern on as to whether they would break or not. Travelers would most certainly cringe upon seeing this, especially if they have invested in well-known, expensive luggage brands. 

If you were the type of person who would handle your personal belongings with extreme care, wouldn't this sight be disheartening? It's a shame that other people just do not care at all, and it's even more shameful that the ones in this clip are those who are supposed to be handling luggage properly, since it's part of their job.

Isn't it about time that airport and airline companies tackle this problem which has been facing travelers for years now? Shouldn't these baggage handlers be trained better to do their job properly? Shouldn't they be held accountable for any damage to the passengers' property?

I certainly think they do.

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