Friday, December 21, 2012

A Call to Help "Mang Adolfo".

This is a repost from my schoolmate and friend, Raisa Tan:

"I'd probably get into trouble with my mom for talking to strangers, it's a bad habit of mine that I can't seem to get rid of. Hi mom, if you read this, I LOVE YOU! 

Anyways, after buying myself lunch, I was on my way home from work when I noticed a man stretched out under the sun on a layer or two of cardboard. Anyone who's stepped outside today would know that today's weather isn't "bask under the sun like you're at the beach" weather, it's more of, "i'm burning alive under the sun" weather. So to see him there, bothered me. 

Decided to pull over, gave him my juice, which of course prompted me to give him my lunch and seeing how shabbily dressed he was, decided to give him a new polo. Look at how dashing he looks. 

His name is Adolfo, 44, from Mindanao. In 1984, he joined an agency which promised him a good paying job on a boat. So he and his friends packed up their belongings and were taken from Mindanao to Cabanatuan. Little did they know that they were being duped by the "agency" that "hired" him. Signing a contract without reading the fine print properly, they were forced to work a year without pay. After which, Adolfo and his friends decided to run away, but because they had no money, they had nowhere to go. They've been living on the streets since then selling garbage to junk shops and were able to raise enough to send their female companions home. Adolfo and his male friends however, are still working in hopes of either getting a real paying job or getting enough money to go home.

The thing with this man is, he was incredibly friendly. He didn't sound angry or bitter or whatever. If anything, I was the one getting mad for him. He said, in Filipino of course, "I've been okay. I'm okay. I don't always have food to eat, but I'm happy."

*cue me crying in the inside*

I told him that I had to go ahead, but I'd be back to give more clothes when his companions arrived. As of the moment, all I can do is pray for him, and hey, I'd like to ask you guys, as my friends, to pray for him and his friends as well. It'd be a Christmas gift that I'd greatly appreciate. Let's pray that 2012 and 2013 will be kind and that he'll be able to improve his situation. Yeah? Thanks guys :)

Love, Raisa"
More than praying for him, it'd also probably be a good idea to help him find his way home to Mindanao, or even find any relatives whom he could stay with, just to get him out of his current condition--living in the streets and sleeping on cardboard boxes is NOT the way any person should be living. To anyone who has the time and means, maybe you could spare a bit of your time to help? It is the holiday season, after all. 

Here's hoping Mang Adolfo gets the help he deserves!

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