Monday, May 28, 2012

She Might Have "Possibly Overreacted"--She's Not Sure

What happens when you take two young ladies, a car, and an unsuspecting bird in one video clip?

A whole lot of laughs--and a bit of head scratching.

That's what you'll certainly get after watching this video posted on YouTube in 2008. The video clip begins with one young lady screaming and looking distraught as her friend seated beside her holds on to a video camera. The young lady behind the wheel continues to scream, leading viewers to think that something might have happened that would scar this girl for life.

Something did certainly happen, but for most people, they would have just shrugged off this incident like nothing happened. Apparently not for this girl.

Later on in the video, we find out that she accidentally hit a bird, and the bird rolls over to the side of the road. The young lady pulls over, and as she checks the injured creature, continues to scream some more, as if she just hit a little child or an elderly man or woman. Her friend holding the camera just shrugs it off, but guilt might just bring the other girl to the brink of insanity.

In a subsequent interview (this video clip has been featured a few times on some American TV shows), the young lady says that since this incident, she hits two more birds while driving.

I think we all know how she might have reacted.

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