Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tokyo, Japan is Now the World's Most Expensive City for Expats for 2012

Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, has now surpassed Luanda, Angola as the world's most expensive city for expatriates, according to the latest report by Mercer, a research agency. 

Completing the top five are Osaka, Moscow, and Geneva. Many European cities have dropped down several ranks lower due to currency fluctuations, while many Asian cities have ranked higher or have maintained their positions from last year, due to a more stable economic situation. Paris, for example, dropped from the 27th spot in 2011 to the 37th in 2012. Stockholm, Sweden, meanwhile, dropped from the 39th spot to the 46th. 

This annual study, which covers over 200 cities around the world, measures the cost of different items or commodities at each of these locations, and compares them with all other cities included in the study. Usually, the cost of housing plays the biggest role in determining the rankings of these different cities, as this is usually the most important factor that people consider before moving in to another city abroad. 

Listed below are the different cities in the list, paired with sample average prices of different items according to, the largest cost of living database online.

1. Tokyo, Japan

Price of 1 cinema ticket: Php862.96
Price of a pack of cigarettes: Php238.34
Price of gasoline per liter: Php79.57

2. Luanda, Angola

Price of milk (1 liter): Php124.36
Price of rent per month (1-bedroom apartment in city centre): Php169,175.19
Price of potato (1 kg): Php213.18

3. Osaka, Japan

Price of bottled water: Php44.88
Price of 1 cinema ticket: Php1,038.17
Price of apples (1 kg): Php663.56

4. Moscow, Russia

Price of combo meal at fastfood restaurant: Php355.70
Price of fresh cheese (1 kg): Php428.25
Price of imported beer: Php107.41

5. Geneva, Switzerland

Price of three-course meal for two: Php4,652.67
Price of gasoline (1 liter): Php82.66
Price of Nike shoes: Php7,413.67

6. Zurich, Switzerland

Price of domestic beer: Php303.67
Price of oranges (1 kg): Php156.32
Price of taxi ride (1km): Php157.52

7. Singapore

Price of rent per month (three-bedroom apartment in city centre): Php201,074.23
Price of chicken breasts (1 kg): Php69.10
Price of one-way subway ticket: Php57.86

8. N'Djamena, Chad

Price of combo meal at fastfood restaurant: Php765.06
Price of gasoline (1 liter): Php73.54
Price of taxi meter flat rate: Php127.51

9. Hong Kong, China

Price of 1 pack of cigarettes: Php261.27
Price of 1 regular-sized Cappuccino: Php202.00
Price of rent per month (three-bedroom apartment in city centre): Php330,150.67

10. Nagoya, Japan

Price of lettuce: Php166.05
Price of internet (monthly; 6mbps): Php2,213.96
Price of 1 cinema ticket: Php966.56

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